Recommended reading for commercial real estate agency leaders
Dec 14, 2022
At the end of 2021, I recommended six books for your success. There was even a blog post, a podcast episode and a vodcast about it.
As we approach the end of 2022, I’ve decided to add another three books to the list:
- The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
- The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy.
- The Art of Less Doing: One Entrepreneur's Formula for a Beautiful Life by Ari Meisel.
Take a listen to episode 118 of CRE Success: The Podcast to find out which of them (or if all of them) are right for you to read while you’re relaxing over the holidays.
And if you’re a real book worm, or an avid audiobook listener, you can get the full list of 10 books – six from last year, three from this year and one more free eBook from CRE Success – by clicking here.